Colo-i-Suva Forest Reserve, Suva, Viti Levu Offers 6km of trails through rainforest less than 20 minute drive from Suva.The area has several small waterfalls, indigenous flora, bird life, scenic lookouts. However, a note of caution: being close to Suva, the park is a hot spot for crime and a recent case of rape has further scarred the name of the park. Buses go beyond Colo-i-Suva into the heart of Naitasiri. Naitasiri is a stunning region, very traditional with lots of thatch villages and small family plantations. Naitasiri and neighbouring Namosi are the best regions in Fiji to explore the experience the “old” Fiji. Bad weather is common and roads are frequently flooded. This is traditional countryside and although accessible to tourists, village protocol should be observed – before exploring present yaqona to the local chief and ask his permission – you will be encouraged to take a local villager with you as a guide. |