Fiji Islands

There are several excellent publications including Frommers South Pacific Comprehensive Travel Guide; Smart Bevan’s Fiji; Moon Handbooks: Fiji, David Stanley – Avalon Travel Publishing. For more information visit our website: Fiji A Travel Survival Kit. Robert Kay, Lonely Planet Publications; Fiji Islands Insight Pocket Guide, James Siers – APA Publications; Fiji Handbook, Business Travel Guide, Norman and Ngaire Douglas; Reise Handbuch Sudsee, Marie and Ulrich Weissbach (German); and Globe Trotter, Toshikazu Umehara (Japanese).

For Yachties

Michael Calder’s Yachtsman’s Fiji is a professional and extremely well illustrated guide to cruising in Fiji waters.

The Yacht Help booklet is published annually and distributed free from Fiji Visitors Bureau overseas offices.


Fergus Clunie’s Yalo I Viti is published by the Fiji Museum.


A Taste of the Tropics, South Pacific Cookbook.

Traditional Medicine

Secrets of Fijian Medicine
Dr.M.A. Weiner

Free Publication

Fiji Magic, detaining what is available, accommodation, day tours, sight-seeing, restaurants and entertainment.

Fiji Calling, similar publication but with several interesting features highlighting the diversity of the Fiji Islands. Excellent map. Copies available from Fiji Visitors Bureau offices overseas.

Spotlight on Nadi and Spotlight on Suva, what to do and see around the Nadi and Suva areas.


Journals of Baron Anatole von Hugel by Jane Roth and Steven Hooper, published by Fiji Museum. Fascinating account of a young man’s four years in Fiji from 1875 to 1879.

Fiji and the Fijians Vol.1 by the Rev. Thomas Williams of the Wesleyan Mission in Fiji. First published in 1858 and reprinted by the Fiji Museum.

The United States Exploring Expedition by Commodore Charles Wilkes, first published in 1845 and reprinted in facsimile by the Fiji Museum. An account of four years in Fiji with a wealth of detail of life in the Fiji Islands.

Natural History

Paddy Ryan’s Fiji’s Natural Heritage.


Children of the Sun by Glen Craig. Case bound, large format coffee table presentations featuring the people of the Fiji Islands. Copies available at FVB head office, Suva

Fiji – The Uncharted Sea by Federico Busonero. Case bound, large format coffee table presentation of Fiji’s unique marine environment. Copies available at FVB head office, Suva